Medical Licensing Blog

The FCVS Application Process

Female doctor on laptop

The Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) is an important resource for many physicians and physician assistants. This permanent, lifetime portfolio of primary-source verified credentials for physicians allows for easy and cost-effective access to medical credentials whenever they are needed. Applying for and setting up an FCVS profile can be a lengthy process and it is…

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What a Medical Directorship Could Mean for Your Medical License

Female doctor in front of other doctors

Career advancement is exciting for anyone who sets goals and works hard to achieve them. Medical directorship can be a monumental career advancement for many physicians, but have you considered the potential implications to your medical license? We strive to ensure that our clients steer clear of common licensing pitfalls, and when a physician is…

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Opioids and Medical Licensure Risks

Hand writing prescription on RX pad

As a trusted resource for physicians applying for new medical licenses, renewing existing medical licenses or reinstating revoked or expired medical licenses, we have seen firsthand how opioid prescriptions can pose risks. We strive to help our clients avoid common licensing pitfalls and one way we do this is presenting information on each state’s guidelines…

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Which States Have Medical License Reciprocity?

Doctor on computer with stethoscope beside him

Physicians are expected to be more mobile now than ever before. With the physician shortage growing in the United States, many physicians are working in several states or providing telehealth services in order to help more patients. Managing multiple state medical licenses and finding out which states have medical license reciprocity leads to frustration and…

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How Long Does a Medical License Last?

Female doctor working on laptop

At Medical Licensure Group, we understand the frustrations you may experience in navigating the unique processes of each state’s medical licensing protocols. Every state handles medical license renewals differently, and for physicians holding licenses in multiple states, staying abreast of the unique renewal deadlines, requirements and processes for each state can be difficult. To plan…

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Common Medical Licensing Pitfalls

As experienced leaders in the medical licensing industry, our licensing specialists have helped thousands of physicians, physician assistants, advanced nurse practitioners and other healthcare providers navigate the complex channels to licensure. We have compiled a list of the most common licensing pitfalls that our clients experience and will share our insight on how to avoid…

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