CV Preparation Services

When you apply for a job, seek licensure or try to obtain a credential, you'll have to provide a curriculum vitae (CV). Unlike a resume, which typically focuses only on your education and past jobs, a CV covers the entire scope of your knowledge and experience. This gives a more comprehensive view of your accomplishments and better identifies why you deserve a particular opportunity.

A well-crafted CV allows you to present yourself to prospective employers, professional organizations and state licensure boards in the best possible light, potentially advancing your career to new heights. This is especially important in the healthcare industry, where past achievements are essential to proving that you're a capable and trustworthy professional.

Save Time and Hassle

While most medical professionals realize the importance of a CV, creating one is often challenging. In addition to gathering all the details about your academic and professional background, you'll need impeccable organization, grammar and style to write a compelling CV. This can lead to extensive research, writing and revisions — all of which require a lot of time and energy.

Medical Licensure Group (MLG) offers a CV Preparation Service to help medical professionals create high-quality documents that propel their careers forward. Before you decide whether to seek MLG's help, we want you to understand our process and what your final CV might include.

MLG's Detailed CV Preparation Process

Writing a list of your accomplishments sounds easy enough, but that's an oversimplification of what goes into creating a strong CV. At MLG, we've developed a step-by-step process to ensure your CV accurately represents everything you've done.

Initial Consultation

We'll begin with an initial consultation, where you meet with an MLG specialist to discuss your career goals and assess the status of your existing CV. This allows you to share your specific concerns and preferences.

Information Gathering

The next step is information gathering. MLG collects important details about your education, work experience, publications and professional affiliations. We'll speak with you and contact any necessary employers, schools and organizations.

CV Drafting

With your information in hand, our specialists will draft your CV. We'll focus on writing clearly, organizing the information logically and highlighting key achievements.

Final Review

Your satisfaction is MLG's top priority, so the final step is to review and refine your CV. We'll collaborate closely with you to ensure it meets your standards. After you provide feedback, we'll make any necessary revisions until you have a final, polished CV.

Call 850.433.4600 Today for a Free Consultation!

Key Components of a Medical CV

A medical CV contains all the information someone might need to get a full picture of your professional background. Some of the core elements include:

Each CV is unique, which is why it's so important to work with a specialist who knows which information to include and emphasize.

MLG’s Expertise in CV Crafting

MLG has worked with medical professionals and their CVs for over 15 years, giving us a unique insight into the healthcare sector's expectations. We understand industry standards and know what employers and boards are looking for, and we apply that insight as we craft your CV.

A new and improved CV can open doors to career opportunities, making it easier to obtain or renew your license and enhance your professional standing in the industry. Call MLG at 850.433.4600 or submit an online request to schedule a consultation or learn more about our CV service preparation service.