The Role of the FCVS in Medical Licensing

If you have ever researched topics related to medical licensing, it is likely you have encountered the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS). Before you spend considerable time and effort setting up your FCVS profile, it is important to first understand exactly what this service offers—and what it does not offer. The FCVS does not issue medical licenses. Rather, it is a tool for making the medical licensure process less burdensome.
The Basics of FCVS Profiles
The FCVS is a permanent, lifetime portfolio of primary-source verified credentials for physicians and physician assistants which allows for easy and cost-effective access to medical credentials whenever they are needed. Imagine being able to be conveniently store your core credentials, exam scores and postgraduate training information in one virtual location—that’s what an FCVS profile will do for you. In states that accept FCVS profiles, your medical license application process can be made much shorter, as the medical board can access your profile for the direct-source credentials needed. Setting up an FCVS profile is not easy and some states do not accept FCVS profiles. To determine if an FCVS profile would be worthwhile for you based on your unique situation, you should talk with one of our experienced licensing specialists.
Nuances of FCVS Profiles
It is important to understand that each licensing authority will most likely require information and verification of credentials in addition to those verified by the FCVS. Simply having an FCVS profile does not mean you will not have to supply other information to state medical boards. Additionally, each state handles FCVS profiles differently. For example, California accepts FCVS profiles but still requires their state-specific forms to be sent to the medical school and postgraduate training program(s), making use of the FCVS pointless for physicians and physician assistants. Your MLG licensing specialist can help you determine if the FCVS is an appropriate resource for your situation.
Tips for Applying for an FCVS Profile
Applying for an FCVS profile early is critical. Submitting all required forms as soon as possible will expedite your approval. Technical errors, like uploading incorrectly sized diploma images, will delay your application (diplomas must be sized 8.5 inches by 11 inches). Know that you can edit your application at any time should you experience a change of address, employment change or other transition that should be noted. Lastly, it is essential to keep an eye on any incoming emails from the FCVS and respond quickly, as this is the service’s primary mode of communication to applicants.
Is an FCVS Profile Right for Me?
The FCVS is typically a valuable tool for busy physicians and physician assistants who can benefit from a lifetime portfolio of primary-source verified credentials for state medical licensure, hospital privileges, provider networks and employment and professional memberships. There are certain states where FCVS profiles are not helpful depending on individual circumstances but your dedicated licensing specialist at MLG can help you determine the best path for your situation.
Many physicians are surprised to learn that the FCVS will not house all of the information that is typically required of a medical license application and also by how lengthy and arduous the FCVS application process is. As a client of MLG, if it is determined that an FCVS profile would be beneficial to you, we can help set up your profile to make the process as simple and easy as possible.
If you have other questions about the FCVS and want to find out if it is a service you should pursue, call our medical licensing specialists at 850.433.4600 today.