Requirements for Physician State Medical Licenses

At Medical Licensure Group, we understand the frustrations you may experience in navigating the unique processes of each state’s medical licensing protocols. For busy physicians or large medical organizations looking to license physicians, our services make the state medical licensure process easier. Simply complete our concise intake form and our experienced medical licensing professionals can handle the rest for you. Outsourcing the state medical licensing process to our agency will ensure that you are licensed in the fastest time possible!

The Medical Licensing Process

As our client, you will have a dedicated licensing specialist who will always adhere to the highest standards of client care and manage your state medical license application every step of the way. Our proven process for handling your entire medical licensing project includes preparing a polished application for your review and managing the credentials verification process (including contacting your credentials holders for processing details, submitting formal requests and proactively following up to expedite the process). We will keep you apprised of every step of the process and put out any fires that come up along the way so that you can focus on your practice.

State Requirements

For more information on state-specific licensure requirements, choose a state from the map below:


SPEX/COMVEX Requirement

USMLE Attempt Limit

USMLE Time Limit

PGT (US/Canada Medical Graduate)

PGT (International Medical Graduate)

*The USMLE time limit starts from the first successful completion

* The information on this page is updated regularly but should be used for informational purposes only. An MLG representative will have the most current requirements available during the licensure process.

Alabama Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be required by board order if written licensure or board certification exam hasn’t been taken in the last ten years.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit on Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. Steps I - III must be passed in no more than a total of 10 attempts. (Further education, training or experience required to repeat Step III after 3 attempts)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three Steps within 7 years; within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
Alaska Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: To restore retired license.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Two attempts for both Steps I and II. Two attempts for Step III. (If licensed elsewhere, alternative pathway available)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (1 year if completed Med School before January of 1995).
PGT International: 3 years
Arizona Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Necessary to assess competence if ordered by board (for MD). May be required if written licensure or board certification exam hasn’t been taken in the last seven years (for DO).
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three Steps within 7 years. If you hold a medical license in another state, there is no time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (MD). 1 year AOA or ACGME accredited GME (DO).
PGT International: 3 years
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Each step must be passed in no more than three attempts.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. (May be waived to 10 years if applicant is currently board certified)
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years (or be currently enrolled in a training program with UAMS and have successfully completed at least one (1) year of U.S. internship or residency)
California Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if written licensure or board certification exam has not been taken in the last ten years (for MD). Lifetime Board certification accepted in lieu of SPEX. May be required by DO Board to assess competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: - If exam sequence was passed prior to 01/01/2007: No attempt limits for Steps I-III.

- As of 01/01/2007: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Four attempts total for Step III.

* Possible waiver with 4 years continuous practice in another state with active license and no discipline

USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: For MDs: 36 months of accredited training with 24 consecutive months in the same program. (Effective 1/1/2020)

For DOs: 1 year AOA or ACGME accredited GME, including at least 4 mo. General Medicine (unless applicant completed 1 year of GME before July 1, 1990).

PGT International: 36 months of accredited training with 24 consecutive months in the same program. (Effective 1/1/2020)
Colorado Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7, within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
Connecticut Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: No time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 2 years
Delaware Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be required if not practicing for several years.
USMLE Attempt Limit: There shall be no more than six attempts to pass each step without demonstration of additional experience acceptable to the board.
USMLE Time Limit: Passing Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the examination must occur within 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
District of Columbia Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III (after three failed Step III attempts, 1 additional year GME required).
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. Board may grant waiver.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
Florida Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: No time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (MD)

1 year AOA approved rotating internship (DO)

PGT International: 2 years
Georgia Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (1 year of additional board approved training required if not passed in designated number of attempts)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years, within 9 years for MD/PhD. Board may grant waiver.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: As of 02/2010, the GA Board uses the list titled Medical Schools Recognized by the Medical Board of California". Graduates of schools from this list must complete 1 year of ACGME accredited postgraduate training. Graduates of schools not listed in the list must complete 3 years of ACGME accredited postgraduate training.
Hawaii Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if MD took a state licensing exam. Not required for DO.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years, within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (MD)

1 year AOA or ACGME accredited GME (DO)

PGT International: 2 years
Idaho Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Two attempts for Steps I and II. Two attempts for Step III. (Remedial training, interview or board evaluation may be required if Step III is not passed in designated number of attempts)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years, within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
Illinois Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action, if not been practicing for several years or by board order to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No more than 4 unsuccessful attempts total (for Steps I - III). Further education, experience or remedial training required if not passed in designated number of attempts.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. (Board may grant waiver)
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (1 year if entered GME before Janurary 1988).
PGT International: 1 year (entered GME pre-1988)

2 years (entered GME post 1988)

Indiana Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for several years or by board order to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for each step. (Board may grant waiver.)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 2 years
Iowa Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for several years or by board order to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Six attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (After 3 failed attempts at Step III, 3 years of progressive GME is required)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years (if not, ABMS or AOA board certification required).
PGT US/Canada: 1 year AOA, ACGME, RCPSC, CFPC accredited GME
PGT International: 2 years
Kansas Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (After 3 failed attempts, further education, training, or experience is required)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years total (2 of which must be ACGME-accredited)
Kentucky Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Four attempts for Steps I and II. Four attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: No time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 2 years
Louisiana Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if no written licensure exam or board certification exam taken within 10 years.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Step I. Four attempts for Step II. Four attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year allopathic GME
PGT International: 3 years (Fifth Pathway may be counted as one year of required GME)
Maine Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for more than 1 year, or by board order to assess current competence. (MD/DO)
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 3 years (for those graduating after July 1, 2004) (MD)

1 year AOA or ACGME accredited GME (DO)

PGT International: 3 years (GME taken in Canada or the British Isles may be considered qualifying on an individual basis).
Maryland Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if active licensure was interrupted during last 10 years and if physician has not passed written licensure exam within last 15 years and ABMS board certification exam within last 10 years.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Four attempts for Steps I and II. Four attempts for Step III. (after 3 failed attempts, 1 year additional GME; no more than 3 failures permitted on any one step without additional qualifications (specialty board certification, etc.)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three Steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (plus 1 year GME if candidate failed any part of an exam three times)
PGT International: 2 years ACGME or RCPSC accredited GME (as of Oct 1, 2000). In addition, 1 year of GME required if candidate failed any part of an exam 3 times.
Massachusetts Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Not Required.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts at Step III. A fourth attempt may be allowed with an additional year of ACGME-accredited training.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. (Board may grant waiver)
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 3 years
Michigan Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence. (MD/DO)
USMLE Attempt Limit: No more than three attempts to pass any part of the USMLE.
USMLE Time Limit: An applicant shall successfully pass all components of the USMLE within 7 years from the date that he or she first passed any component of the USMLE.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (MD)

1 year AOA approved GME (DO)

PGT International: 2 years
Minnesota Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action or if written licensure exam or board certified exam has not been taken within 10 years. May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III (4 if currently licensed in another state and Specialty Board certified).
USMLE Time Limit: Step II must be completed within 5 years or before end of training. Step III must be completed within 5 years of passing Step II or by end of training.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 2 years
Mississippi Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action or if written licensure exam or board certified exam has not been taken within 10 years. May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (after 3 failed attempts, 1 additional year ACGME or AOA approved GME is required)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years (or 1 year plus ABMS certification). ABMS board certification required for candidates who completed the Fifth Pathway.
Missouri Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action or by board order to assess current competence
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
Montana Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for the last two years or by board order to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. (exception may be granted for MD/PhD dual degree candidates)
PGT US/Canada: Successful completion of residency program (at least 2 years); -- If graduated prior to 2000, must have had "experience or training that in the opinion of the board is at least the equivalent of a 2-year approved residency program"
PGT International: 3 years (or ABMS or AOA certification).
Nebraska Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Four attempts for Steps I and II. Four attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 2 years
Nevada Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if written licensure exam or board certified exam has not been taken within 10 years. May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Must pass Steps I - III in no more than 9 attempts total. Must pass Step III in no more than 3 attempts.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years of first passing any step; within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 3 years (MD)

3 years AOA or ACGME accredited program (graduates after 1995) (DO)

PGT International: 3 years
New Hampshire Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (The board shall waive this examination requirement for any applicant who is board certified.)
USMLE Time Limit: No time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 2 years
New Jersey Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Not Required.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Five attempts for Step III. (further education, training or experience is required if Step III is not passed in designated number of attempts) (Board may grant waiver.)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. (Board may grant waiver.)
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (if graduated before July 1, 2003). 2 years and contract for year 3 if graduated after July 1st, 2003.
PGT International: 3 years

1 year (if graduated before July 1, 1985); 3 years (if graduated between July 1, 1985 and July 1, 2003); 2 years and contract for year three (if graduated after July 1, 2003).

New Mexico Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action, if not practicing for several years or by board order to assess current competence (MD).

Determined on an individual basis for DO.

USMLE Attempt Limit: Six attempts for Steps I and II. Six attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (MD)

1 year (DO)

PGT International: 2 years
New York Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Determined on an individual basis.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: No time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years
North Carolina Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be required for board to assess current competence or if written licensure exam or board certification exam not taken within the last 10 years. (Applicant may obtain AMA PRA in lieu of SPEX.)
USMLE Attempt Limit: Applicant shall have passed each step within three attempts. However, the board shall waive the three attempt requirement if the applicant has been certified or recertified by an ABMS, CCFP, FRCP, FRCS or AOA approved specialty board within the past 10 years.
USMLE Time Limit: No time limit.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 2 years
North Dakota Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if applicant is being considered for GME exception.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years. (Exception may be granted for MD/PhD or dual degree candidates)
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 24 months of training for IMG or see link
Ohio Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for 2 years or by board order to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No applicant shall have failed any step or level more than five times. (Board may grant waiver - see rules)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 2 years (through the 2nd year level)
Oklahoma Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be required by board to assess current competence (MD/DO).
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (Board may grant waiver if Board Certified.)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (MD)

1 year AOA approved rotating internship or equivalent (DO)

PGT International: 2 years
Oregon Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for one year or if no training or ABMS certification within the last 10 years or if applicant took a state board examination before 1968.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Four attempts for Step III for applicants who are ABMS certified (must complete 1 year of GME after three failed Step III attempts).
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; within 10 years for MD/PhD. Additional options for eligibility are available.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years (must have completed at least 3 years of progressive GME in not more than two specialties in not more than 2 US or Canadian hospitals accredited for such training).
Pennsylvania Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action or if not practicing for several years. May be ordered by board to assess current competence (MD/DO).
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No more than 3 attempts at Step III. Board may grant waiver.
USMLE Time Limit: 7 year limit. Board requires explanation and waiver request if beyond 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (1 year if GME in US before July 1987) (MD)

1 year AOA approved rotating internship (DO)

PGT International: 2 years
Rhode Island Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Not Required.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 2 years
South Carolina Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action or if no written licensure examination or ABMS board certification taken within the last 10 years. (SPEX may be waived if applicant provides documentation of 150 Cat I CME hours within the last three years - 75% of which must be related to practice specialty).
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (Board may allow fourth attempt on any step given individual circumstances.)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 3 years (ABMS/AOA board certification required for candidates who completed the Fifth Pathway)
South Dakota Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Not Required.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: Completion of residency program.
PGT International: Completion of residency in the US or Canada (1 year if GME taken in US before July 1987)
Tennessee Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for more than five years or to restore license after disciplinary action. May be ordered by board to assess current competence (MD).
USMLE Attempt Limit: If an applicant fails any step of the USMLE or FLEX examinations more than three (3) times, then the board shall require proof of board-certification by an ABMS-recognized specialty board and proof of meeting requirements for Maintenance of Certification prior to application before consideration for licensure.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years from the date of whichever step of the examination was successfully completed first. (Board may grant waiver - see rules)
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (MD)

1 year AOA approved or ACGME accredited GME (DO)

PGT International: 3 years
Texas Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I - III.
If you held or had a pending application for training permit on 9/1/05, or have been licensed in good standing in another state for at least 5 years:

  • Fourth attempt allowed on one step only.
  • Fifth/Sixth attempt allowed if board certified and add'l 2 years of GME (beyond what is required) have been completed in Texas.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years (excluding MD/PhD graduates). Limits may be expanded to 10 years if applicant is board certified or holds a faculty temp license in Texas for 12+ months.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year
PGT International: 2 years
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required if not practicing for several years or to restore license after disciplinary action. May be ordered by board to assess current competence. (MD/DO)

Required if no written licensure exam or board certification exam taken within the last ten years (DO only).

USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (remedial training required if Step III is not passed in the designated number of attempts)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 2 years
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Not Required. (MD)

Required if not practicing for more than one year. (DO)

USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (Canadian GME accepted if program accredited by RCPSC or CFPC) (MD)

1 year AOA approved rotating internship or 3 year AOA or ACGME accredited GME program (DO)

PGT International: 3 years
Virginia Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years. Time limit may be waived if candidate is ABMS board certified.
PGT US/Canada: 1 Year
PGT International: 1 Year
Washington Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: Required to restore license after disciplinary action, if not practicing for more than two years or by board order to assess current competence. (MD)

May be ordered by board to assess current competence. (DO)

USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (remedial training required if Step III is not passed in the designated number of attempts)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; within 10 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (1 year if med school completed before July 28th, 1985) (MD)

1 year AOA approved or ACGME accredited GME (DO)

PGT International: 2 years (1 year if medical school completed before July 28, 1985)
West Virginia
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence. (MD/DO)
USMLE Attempt Limit: Six attempts for Steps I - III.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years.
PGT US/Canada: 1 year (MD)

1 year AOA approved or ACGME accredited GME (plus 40 hours of osteopathic manipulative management and treatment are required) (DO)

PGT International: 3 years (or 1 year plus ABMS certification)
Wisconsin Medical License Info
SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Three attempts for Steps I and II. Three attempts for Step III. (Must reapply for license and present evidence of further education or training if Step III is not passed in the designated number of attempts)
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 10 years; 12 years for MD/PhD or dual degree candidates.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (or currently enrolled in a program, having successfully completed 12 months and expected to complete 24 months)
PGT International: 2 years (or currently enrolled in a program, having successfully completed 12 months and expected to complete 24 months).

Board may consider other professional experience in waiver request for training requirement, if licensed in another jurisdiction.

SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: Must complete Steps I - III in no more than 7 total attempts.
USMLE Time Limit: Must complete all three steps within 7 years; 8 years for MD/PhD.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years (or 1 year and Specialty Board certified; or 1 year and licensed in another jurisdiction for the five years preceding the application)
PGT International: 2 years (or 1 year and Specialty Board certified; or 1 year and licensed in another jurisdiction for the five years preceding the application)

Requirements for Physician Assistant Licenses

Considering the ever-increasing clinical demands of physician assistants in the healthcare environment, it can be extremely burdensome to be distracted from your practice (and time away from practice) to focus on the licensure process. Our licensing specialists are experienced in helping physician assistants apply for new state licensure or renew a current state license. We are familiar with the nuances of each state licensing board for physician assistants and can professionally compile your application and handle the mandatory direct-source credentials verifications.

Requirements for Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Licenses

If you are a nurse practitioner, you are likely aware of how frequently the state licensing requirements change. While nurse practitioner requirements are set at the state level, there is also an emerging national model that has caused some states to make legislative changes to conform to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing APRN Consensus Model. Rather than spend valuable time sorting through individual state licensure requirements, your licensing specialist at MLG can apply his or her expertise to compile the application on your behalf. We can also handle any separate applications for prescriptive authority.